Egypt, Coptic christian art Egypt is the place of the first monastic communities ever. It is believed that Christianity spread in Kharga Oasis between second half of 3-rd century and 4th century. Antinopolis and Karmouz are also sites of early christians monasteries.
Jesus as The Good Shepheard
The most well preserved image at Dura-Europol. Women having torches and a small bowl coming to the tomb of Jesus at dawn (Mark16:1) We can see the Greek(Minoan) influence in depiction of the women.
Syria, Dura-Europos (240-257) 3-rd century house transformed into a church. 6 frescos recovered. Dated before 257 when the city was destroyed by Persians. It is supposed that the house was constructed around 230 and redecorated as a church around 240.
Other Catacombs in Italy. Besides Rome we have catacombs from the same period of time also in other places of Italy. We have this list with numbers and places of catacombs in Italy, some of them pre-christian: Rome – 31, Lazio - 15, Sicily - 5, Campania(Naples) - 4, Tuscany - 3, Abruzzo - 2, Apulia - 1, Sardinia and Umbria
It is well preserved this image from Villagrazia di Carini/Sicily which represent the 3 mages bringing gifts to little Jesus, IV-th century or later.
One of the oldest painting found, and the first "Last supper " in history yet discovered, it is inside the Catacombs of Domitilla. Dated 235 , the work was realized in the relief time between the persecutios of Severeus(193–211) and Decius(249–251).
Rome Catacombs(II-IVc): a very rich place in early christian religious depictions, an underground treasure not yet totaly revealed
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We have discovered elaborated images from the first centuries, when Christianity was a persecuted religious movement, in just a few places. Later, when the church was established on a political and social ground and the state invested into the church we can discover true works of art realised by professional painters.
Besides the historical value we can distinguish also the styles of the different regions: Egypt, Roman catacombs, Syria or Constantinopole. It is said that Luke was the first known painter of Christ and His family. We can imagine that later, first priests and bishops tried to create themselves different kind of cult objects to use them in their mission
The Good Shepherd is another fresco from the 3-rd century found in Rome's catacombs - Catacombs of St. Callistus
Jesus walking on waters and Peter (Matthew 14:22-33). These wall fragments paintings can be found in Yale University Art Museum in New Haven.
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